About us

Company GA05 started its operations in 1995 with the service cutting vertical and horizontal holes in reinforced concrete. The service is maintain with diamond coring machine with diamond core drills. From 2011 GA 05 started to import high-quality German diamond tools produced by BT Bavaria Tools. All diamond tools are produced by the latest technologies, with high quality raw materials and permanent quality control. The manufacturer BT Bavaria Tools is a factory with many years of experience in the production of diamond tools and continuous development of the production processes. BT Bavaria Tools is a member of the German Abrasive Association (VDS), the largest National Association in Germany, and is certified under ISO 9001 and the European Standard for Diamond Instruments EN13236.

bavaria tools
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bavaria tools
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България, София,
Банкя, ул.Янтра 19
Тел: +359 884 43 50 32

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